Spatially the old bank pre-existence was mapped according to an arrangement of diagonals. The structure was based on this orientation with large pillars throughout.
The project of lab and medical clinic was based on this orientation and scale. Through the construction process, we found the the true shape of the pillars, which is orthogonal and half dimension.
The layout of the working spaces adapted to those circumstances especially by outgrowing them in sqm accommodating the necessary number of workstations.
The typology organized by three types of spaces: public (reception), semi-public (corridor/waiting area for the offices) and private (basement). To enhance the different functions/living of the spaces it was proposed “high doors and low cellings” on the access to the inner medical clinics. Essencially the main concern was to plan a pleasant promenade until we reach the private areas.

Project info:
Type: Commercial
Area: 350 sqm
Location Guimarães, Portugal
Year: 2020—
Team: Beatriz Soares, José Martins, Mariana Almeida, Matilde Ferreira, Miguel Pereira